Jobs & Economic Growth

RCE Tags

Youth in rural areas - Regional Youth-Report for the district of Vechta
Voluntary Sector Studies Network
Srikandi Sungai Indonesia (Indonesian Women in River): promoting women, youth and children to support Indonesian river restoration movement
[Community Empowerment] Build Social Capital through Cooperation to Eradicate Poverty Fisherman in Kuala Besut (2016)
[Sustainable Living] Training the Trainers on Repair and Maintenance Historic Masonry Building in Melaka (2016)
Youth empowerment for promoting sustainable development education and practice
GoGreen Business Conference
Hope from the Farm project
Strengthening the role of education for sustainable development in the process of transition to “green” skills in Technical Vocational Education system (TVET) and micro, small, medium enterprises of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Employability-plus training for Students in Sustainability
