
RCE Mentoring Package by RCE Greater Portland

These resources are based on the core details provided on the RCE Network website and discovered through the development process of RCE Greater Portland (aka, the Greater Portland Sustainability Education Network [GPSEN]). Credit for this work is shared with the various mentors, stakeholders, committees, and Board of Directors. We hope that these efforts can help you work through your own core questions and processes. We had many of the same questions when we started.

Eight New RCEs Join the Network During the 10th Global RCE Conference

We are delighted to announce that several new RCEs have joined the RCE network as of November 2016. Eight new RCEs from across all regions were acknowledged during the Ubuntu Commitee of Peers at the 10th Global RCE Conference, 23-25 November, 2016 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This brings the total number of RCEs up to 154.

