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RCE Azores-2010-2010

RCE Azores-2010

1. Leadership, Vision and Objectives
1. Vision of your RCE: 
RCE Açores will build on the rich natural and cultural heritage of the region to:
- facilitate links between a network of organizations on different islands interested in promoting education for sustainable development in the region;
- promote transformative education activities which integrate community and formal educational efforts as well as those which integrate natural and cultural history;
- raise awareness of how sustainable development in the Azores can improve the quality of human life; and,
- develop training activities that are relevant for the creation of sustainable jobs in the region.
2. Social Network
3. Core partners: 
Research, Polytechnic and Professional Training Centres
•University of the Azores (
oThe Azorean Biodiversity Group (
oThe Group for Nature Conservation and Management (
Government agencies & institutions
•Ecoteca (
•Câmara Municipal de Angra do Heroísmo (
•Câmara Municipal da Praia da Vitória (
. Câmara Munipal de Lajes do Pico
•Gabinete de Promoção Ambiental dos Açores
•Museu de Angra do Heroísmo (
Non governmental organizations and regional associations
•Os Montanheiros (
•Gê-questa (
•AMPA-IT, Associação das Mulheres de Pescadores e Armadores da ilha Terceira
•Ilhas em Rede, Associação de Mulheres na Pesca nos Açores
•Associação para a Defesa do Património Marítimo dos Açores (
•Sperm whales and squids Museum - Cachalotes e Lulas Museu (
•RMA (Rede de Educação Marinha dos Açores) Education Network of Marine Azores
•Observatorio do Mar do Acores, OMA, Faial
•Eco-museum of São Jorge
.Centro de Ciência de Angra do Heroísmo
•Escola Secundária Jerónimo Emiliano de Andrade(Angra do Heroismo)
•Escola Básica Integrada Mouzinho da Silveira (Corvo island)
•Escola Básica1,2,3/JI Francisco Ornelas da Câmara
•Escola Secundária Manuel de Arriaga (Horta, Faial island)
•Azorean Network of Eco-schools
•BioAzorica – Organic Produce Cooperative
Project Reports

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