
RCE Southern Vietnam - 2023


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon GREEN DAY.jpg (605.34 KB) Green Day Thuc Tran
Image icon Green planet.jpg (496.52 KB) Green planet Nhat Truong
Image icon Save the Earth.jpg (500.29 KB) Save the Earth Nhat Truong
Image icon green innovation camp 2022.jpg (592.73 KB) Green Innovation Camp 2022 Thuy Van
Image icon highlighting SDGs in project.JPG (5.84 MB) Highlight SDGs in the project Nhat Truong
Image icon independence mobility.JPG (9.01 MB) Independence mobility project - The winner of SDD 2023 Nhat Truong
Date of submission:
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Education for Sustainable Development among Youth through Innovation Activities
Target Audience:

RCE Southern Vietnam - 2023


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon GREEN DAY.jpg (605.34 KB) Green Day Thuc Tran
Image icon Green planet.jpg (496.52 KB) Green planet Nhat Truong
Image icon Save the Earth.jpg (500.29 KB) Save the Earth Nhat Truong
Image icon green innovation camp 2022.jpg (592.73 KB) Green Innovation Camp 2022 Thuy Van
Image icon highlighting SDGs in project.JPG (5.84 MB) Highlight SDGs in the project Nhat Truong
Image icon independence mobility.JPG (9.01 MB) Independence mobility project - The winner of SDD 2023 Nhat Truong
Date of submission:
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
Education for Sustainable Development among Youth through Innovation Activities
Target Audience:

RCE Srinagar - 2023


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon Presenting his research on the worksheet.png (898.37 KB) Student presenting his research on the worksheet RCE Dobong-gu
Image icon First Orientation Session.png (1.77 MB) First orientation session getting closed RCE Dobong-gu
Date of submission:
Tuesday, July 11, 2023
“Educating Youth for Sustainability Action, Climate and Disaster Resilience”

RCE Greater Western Sydney - 2023




File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon HNWA - Cultural WalkandTalk.jpg (251.17 KB) Smoking cermony at Yellowmundee for Cultural Walk and Talk Brittany Vermeulen
Image icon RARC day.jpeg (456.24 KB) Rapid ripairan assessment training day with Streamwatch and Landcare Brittany Vermeulen
Image icon SouthCreekPaddle.jpg (96.75 KB) Our HNWA Waterkeeper, Dr Michelle Ryan, leading the paddle and talk day in branded canoes. Brittany Vermeulen
Date of submission:
Monday, July 10, 2023
Building a Community Voice for the River: Connection, Conservation and Education
Target Audience:
Community, Higher, Youth (Informal)
Professional bodies and organisations

RCE Okayama - 2023


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon better_life_minan.jpg (1.82 MB) Univ. students are participating the traditional rice cake making event for the local community H. Shibakawa
Image icon minannishi_kominkan.jpg (863.33 KB) Univ. students are participating the lecture for the parent-baby class at the Kominkan M. Wada@Minannishi Kominkan
Image icon seeds_of_life.jpg (144.38 KB) Community organization initiating ESD project gives lectures about their practice for the university students. H. Shibakawa
Date of submission:
Friday, July 7, 2023
The Whole-Community Approach of ESD in Minan Area of Okayama City
Target Audience:
