SCP, Livelihood and Well-being

RCEhannastahlberg's picture

10 YFP Trust Fund: Calls for proposal

10 YFP Trust Fund: Calls for proposal

The Secretariat of the 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP) organises calls for proposals to support the shift towards SCP. Governments and not-for-profit organizations in developing countries and countries with economies in transition are invited to submit proposals in response to these calls.

Ongoing calls for proposals:

Theme of the Call for Proposals: Consumer Information for Sustainable Consumption
Available funds: USD 500,000.
Closing date: 19 June 2015, 6pm Paris time.
Upcoming calls for proposals:

On Sustainable Lifestyles and Education – more information in June 2015

For more information please visit the UNEP website.
