
kochoa1's picture


Have you seen what will be discussed in the next couple of weeks at UNEP Nairobi's UNEA? One of the main items on the agenda y SCP. What do you think it is important to highlight?

Some background papers are available at

RCE Bogota


Hamisi Mkuzi's picture

Hey Kenneth, excellent! I think Youth Engagement and their prioritization should feature in this meeting. It's through such able bodies like the UN that we the youth are going to get somewhere where we can comfortably share our ideas and be a resourceful tool in this development process.

Best regards, HAMISI MKUZI for RCE-Greater Pwani (Kenya)
Usman Muhammad's picture

Dear Kenneth,

The 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (10YFP) is concerned with the biosphere and our terrestrial ecosystem that has todo with the carbon and ecological footprint in consumption and at the same sustainable production of goods and services.

I fine-tuned from the sustainable production in our industries by adopting ISO set standards, contribute to sustainable resource efficiency, cleaner production, waste management. On the other hand, sustainable consumption means we should reduce our carbon footprint through eco-life styles, change the way we behave to the environment, act as change makers and serve as movers and shakers of adopting green growth policies for the betterment of our earth, punishing those that pollute our environment in lieu with contravening certain regulatory and supervisory guidelines guiding the Equator Principles and other set standards should be our number one priority.

Concepts like Life Circle Assessment, circular economy, responsible and sustainable life styles, sustainable finance should be prioritise. The interaction between People Profit and Planet and impact of businesses to the environment led to the creation of Capitalism 2.0

Thank you, Usman RCE-Kano
