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RCE Bulletin

Issue 113: January 2021

Dear Colleagues and Friends, 

Greetings from the Global RCE Service Centre and Happy New Year!

We hope you all had a restful break and have had a good start to the year so far. As we begin 2021, we are very excited to start the year off with the opportunity for us all to connect at the RCE Global Webinar in the lead-up to the 12th Global RCE Conference. Please see below for further details, and please note registrations close this week! 

We start the year with some good news, welcoming four new members to the Global RCE Network (details below). Please join us in congratulating and welcoming our new RCEs. 

Speaking of new members, our open call for RCE applications is now open. We look forward to receiving applications from interested organisations, and further information is available below and on the RCE Portal. 

Finally, a reminder that if your RCE would like to share any news, upcoming events, open calls, or publications for an upcoming bulletin, please complete this form and email your submission to the Global RCE Service Centre at rceservicecentre@unu.edu (submissions close on the 15th of each month).

The Global RCE Service Centre 

Registrations Closing Soon: RCE Global Webinar

(Photo credit: The University of Edinburgh)

In the lead-up to the 12th Global RCE Conference in 2021, the hosts RCE Scotland will be hosting two pre-conference webinars. 

The first of these, 'RCE Global Network 2021: Achieving the SDGs: Action through Learning' will be held on 4 February, 2021 from 8:00-10:00am GMT.  

The Global RCE Service Centre and RCE Scotland are delighted to invite the global RCE community to this online event. Please see the event page for the agenda, key documents and updates, and the link to register. Registrations close on 29 January, 2021 (17:00 GMT). We look forward to seeing you and further sharing and collaborating at this event! 

Four New RCEs Join the Global RCE Network

The Global RCE Service Centre is delighted to announce four new RCEs joining the network, who were acknowledged at the Ubuntu Committee of Peers for the RCEs meeting held virtually last month, on 11 December, 2020. Please join us in extending a warm welcome to the new members of the RCE family: 

  • RCE Fryslan (Netherlands) 
  • RCE Greater Phoenix (USA) 
  • RCE Melaka (Malaysia) 
  • RCE Peel (Canada) 

The updated list (including profiles) of RCEs worldwide can be viewed here

2021 RCE Applications Now Open

Is your organisation interested in facilitating learning towards sustainable development in your local or regional community? The Global RCE Service Centre is currently accepting applications for 2021 - apply now to become an RCE! 

Before applying, please take time to review the Guidelines for RCE Applications and key dates in the application process, announced in the open call here. Sample applications are also available from RCE Greater Portland and RCE Bordeaux Aquitaine

To apply, please submit an application and an application summary to the Global RCE Service Centre (rceservicecentre@unu.edu) by 15 May, 2021 (11:59pm JST).

Last Chance: Open Call for 2021 RCE Regional Meeting Hosts (Africa and Europe)

The Global RCE Service Centre is currently accepting applications to host the following RCE Regional Meeting events in 2021:  

  • 11th African Regional Meeting
  • Europe Regional Meeting 2021  

Please note, hosting duties for the next Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting and the Americas Regional Meeting will carry over from 2020 to 2021 at the request of the hosting RCEs.  

RCEs interested in hosting a regional meeting are encouraged to apply. RCEs may host as individual RCEs or work with other RCEs as joint hosts. Because RCEs are multi-stakeholder networks, participation from different actors (organisations and individuals) within the RCE is critical in hosting duties.  

Full details on how to apply can be found here. The deadline for submissions is Sunday 31 January, 2021 (11:59pm JST). 

Upcoming Events

UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development - Pre-conference workshops

In the lead-up to the UNESCO World Conference on ESD from 17-19 May, 2021, UNESCO has been holding a series of ESD online workshops in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany, and with the German Commission for UNESCO as advisory partner. There are still three workshops remaining in the series - mark your calendars and stay up-to-date for when registrations open on the event page here

  • #5: ESD and Climate Emergency: 'Bend the curve for climate change' (10 February 2021, 10:00 GMT+1) 
  • #6: ESD and lifestyle: Re-designing consumption and production (10 March 2021, 14:00 GMT+1) 
  • #7: ESD for 2030 framework and the Berlin Conference: Time to act - Now or Never (14 April 2021, 12:30 GMT+1)

Open Calls

Call for Guest Editor: NORRAG Special issue on 'Education in Times of Climate Change'

NORRAG Special issues (NSI) are an open-source periodical that seeks to give prominence to authors from different countries and with diverse perspectives. Each issue is dedicated to a special topic of education research, policy and practice; education is defined broadly. 

NORRAG is currently seeking proposals to serve as Guest Editor of a NORRAG Special issue on 'Education in Times of Climate Change' to be published by December 2021. The Guest Editor(s) mobilises approximately 25 to 30 authors to contribute relevant and high-quality articles each of about 1500-2000 words; conducts quality control/editorial duties in cooperation with NORRAG; writes the editorial; and leads an online launch event. Applications are to be sent to anouk.pasquier@graduateinstitute.ch by 14 February, 2021. Read more


Latest News

Virtual Event to Observe International Mountain Day Jointly Organised by RCE Lucknow and RCE Guwahati

Organised by RCE Lucknow and RCE Guwahati, a virtual event to observe International Mountain Day was held on 11 December, 2020. The Centre for Environment Education (CEE), as lead organisation of those RCEs, facilitated the event in association with Mountain Partnership and local institutions including universities, schools, NGOs and youth.

Around 100 participants, including school and college students from Uttarakhand, Himanchal Pradesh and Assam attended the event, which was focused on orienting the participants' thinking and taking Handprint Actions for Sustaining Mountain Biodiversity at individual and community levels. The overall concept was to observe the perspectives of young minds and students from different regions of mountain areas, as well as hearing about their work experiences and concerns on conserving the mountain biodiversity in their region. Read the full report prepared by RCE Lucknow and RCE Guwahati here

RCE Belarus Report on III International Symposium 'Education for Sustainable Development for All Generations as Social Agreement'

From 2-3 December, 2020, the III International Symposium 'Education for Sustainable Development for All Generations as Social Agreement' in the Republic of Belarus was held at Belarusian State Pedagogical University named after Maxim Tank. The overall aim of the Symposium was to summarise expertise of the best practices and mechanisms of continuous education which have an impact on ensuring ecological integrity, economical sustainability, social welfare and development of human resources in the regions. The event gathered together representatives of the system of continuous teacher training and all spheres of sustainable development. Read a report prepared by RCE Belarus here.

RCE Ogun's Ongoing EMA Smart Kids Project

The ongoing EMA Smart Kids Project, recently awarded an Honorable Mention in the RCE Awards, holds an EMA Radio hour through HEBRON 95.9 FM, supporting inclusive education and the one-on-one teaching of core subjects. The program is run by RCE Ogun, with the chair Professor Evans Osabuohien a recent recipient of the Emerald Literati Awards for Excellence by Emerald Publishing.