
Okayama Declaration

During the 9th Global RCE Conference the RCE Network declared to renew their commitments to support relevant international ESD frameworks, including the Global Action Programme   on   ESD,   beyond   the   UN  Decade  of  Education  for  Sustainable  Development. Please read the Okayama Declaration, where these commitments are published.

Bonn Declaration

The German RCE Community make a concerted joint commitment to achieving the GAP goals in Germany until 2019. In the Bonn Declaration of 2014, the group shares some observations of the UN-Decade on ESC (I-III), indicates major challenges (IV) and suggests action points according to the GAP-topics (V).

Nagoya Declaration on Higher Education for Sustainable Development

In 2014, United Nations University organized the International Conference on Higher Education for Sustainable Development: Higher Education Beyond 2014 in Nagoya, Japan. Marking the final year of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) 2005–2014, the conference celebrated achievements throughout the decade and reviewed commitments to ESD beyond 2014. The conference resulted in the Nagoya Declaration on Higher Education for Sustainable Development, in which conference participants reaffirmed and renewed commitments made within the framework of the UN DESD. The declaration also calls upon world leaders to support the transformative role of higher education towards sustainable development, and to recognize the essential role and responsibility of higher education institutions towards creating sustainable societies. The Declaration was accompanied by the Nagoya Declaration on Higher Education for Sustainable Development Annex.

A call for joint action to achieve the SDGs: Advancing integrated solutions to accelerate change

Joint statement by important organizations (UNEP, UN Habitat, ICLEI, CBD, WRI, WWF, IUCN, and the Inter-parliamentary Union) to commit to the multi-stakeholder partnership approach and to scale up action towards the SDGs. Read more