
RCE Bogota - 2019


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon photo1.jpg (314.52 KB) Young leaders in the closing event of the project on December, 2018. Daniela Murcia
Image icon photo2.jpg (372.46 KB) Launching event of the project on May, 2018. Sustainability initiatives showcasing their projects. Daniela Murcia
Image icon photo3.jpg (1.06 MB) Young leaders receiving certificates for developing the Sustainability Workshop and working with the project throughout the year. December, 2018. Daniela Murcia
Date of submission:
Thursday, May 23, 2019
How urban youth can be an engine to achieve low- carbon sustainable lifestyles: beginning in Bogota

RCE Saskatchewan - 2019


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon Global Map of University Partners in SDG 12 Team.jpeg (146.13 KB) University Partners in SDG 12 IAU Team on Responsible Consumption and Production R Petry
Image icon Team Leads for SDG 12 Roger Petry and Jocelyn Crivea.jpeg (198.16 KB) Team Leads for SDG 12: Roger Petry and Jocelyn Crivea U of R Photography
Date of submission:
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Responsible Consumption and Production: RCE Saskatchewan Leadership In Global Higher Education Cluster for the SDGs
Target Audience:

RCE Greater Atlanta - 2019


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon BeltLine Tour LC ESD 2018.jpg (4.2 MB) Students tour the Old Fourth Ward Park, designed for recreation and sophisticated stormwater management, during a trip on Atlanta’s multi-purpose rail-to-trail project, the BeltLine. K. Lanza
Image icon Proctor Creek LC ESD 2018.jpg (2.88 MB) Students discuss watershed health and sustainable development with environmental justice scholar Na’Taki Osborne Jelks. K. Lanza
Image icon Workshop LC Community Health 2018.jpg (4.12 MB) Students from courses linked under the theme of Community Health enjoy their opening workshop and introduction to the theme. M. Das
Date of submission:
Friday, May 24, 2019
A Transdisciplinary Learning Case Study: The Linked Courses Program at Georgia Tech
Target Audience:

RCE Greater Portland - 2019


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon Workshop Photo 1.jpg (500.82 KB) Workshop Discussion K. Smith
Image icon Kevin Thomas Agreements.jpg (302.75 KB) Community Agreements K. Smith
Image icon Environmental Justice image.JPG (61.52 KB) Environmental Justice Wordle K. Smith
Date of submission:
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Empowering Students for Environmental Justice: A Train-the-Trainer Workshop
Target Audience:
