RCE Central Semenanjung-2016

1. Project Title: 
[Community Empowerment] Creation of Demand and Supply for Planting Materials Derived from Rembau Community College (KKR) Plant Tissue Culture Lab (2016)
2. Thematic area/s addressed by the project
Select your options: 
Other (please clarify) : 
3. Project partner contact information : 
Rembau Community College (KKR)
Project partner
Prof. Dr. Norzulaani Khalid
Prof. Dr. Norzulaani Khalid
Alternative project contact: 
Muhamad Khairul Anuar Bin Senin
Muhamad Khairul Anuar Bin Senin
4. Project type
5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 


In this programme, technique on the transfer of planting materials from lab to nursery will be conducted. This skill is important to ensure high success rate in producing planting materials ready for field transplantation. The selling prices of these planting materials are at least double than those from lab. It is important that KKR diversify the type of plants to cater for market demands. In this programme, UM will train KKR to handle both banana and pineapple planting materials in the nursery.



1. To prepare community college students as entrepreneurs in the agricultural sector particularly in the production of planting materials.

2. To provide knowledge on the complete production cycle of planting materials via tissue culture technique. 

3. To create ready market for planting materials produced from KKR lab.

4. To diversify the type of plant seedlings to meet market demands.


Knowledge transferred:

This project has seven main components: 1) Set up of nursery and facilities 2) workshop on handling of planting materials in the nursery 3) transfer of tissue culture derived planting materials to KKR 4) hands on handling of planting materials in the nursery by KKR community 5) workshop on basic business canvas model 6) workshop on book keeping 7) monitoring on activities throughout the programme.


Impact of project:

1) KKR community will be equipped with basic skills in business involving planting materials in the nursery ready for field plantation.

2) Provide new knowledge on plant tissue culture techniques for teaching purposes.

3) Create ready market for planting materials produced from KKR lab.

4) KKR will be able to produce a few types of planting materials from the nursery.

7. Provide references and reference materials : 
6. Project status
On Going
The project is still on going.
8. Tagging
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