RCE Chandigarh-2015

1. Project Title: 
Understanding local Ecological Traditions and Role of Socio-cultural Practices for Biodiversity Conservation
2. Thematic area/s addressed by the project
Select your options: 
3. Project partner contact information : 
Punjab Environment Information System Centre, Ministry of Environment, Forests, Climate Change, Goverment of India
Organizer of Program
Main Contact: 
Dr. Neelima Jerath
4. Project type
5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 

Punjab Environment Information System Centre(ENVIS)in collaboration with ENVIS Centre, CPREEC, Chennai had organized a workshop on the theme 'Ecological Traditions and Sacred Sites of Punjab'. Further, the Centre team visited the sites identified during the workshop to understand the Ecological Traditions and Role of Socio-cultural Practices for Biodiversity Conservation.The information collected was collated and was compiled into a Article titled "“Ecological Traditions and Role of Socio-cultural and Religious Practices for Biodiversity Conservation”. It covered the various religious & cultural traditions & practices for conservation of flora and fauna in the region and focuses on some important plants & animals being associated with beliefs & sacredness.

7. Provide references and reference materials : 
6. Project status
The current project compiles the role of local communities, the religious practices and
ecological traditions in the management of biodiversity. The conservation and management is driven by the beliefs &behaviours of human communities and local cultures due to their intimate connections to the natural environment that sustains them.
From time immemorial, in India, as well as in parts of Asia and Africa, care and respect for
nature has been influenced by religious belief and indigenous practices. The ancient texts
and religious scripts also provide the significant evidences of the same.
The present project emphasized on various religious and cultural traditions & practices
for conservation of flora and fauna in the region. Special focus has been laid on some
important plants & animals, having certain religious beliefs and sacredness associated
with them and biodiversity conservation by communities through festivals, celebrations
and fairs.
8. Tagging