RCE Penang-2015

1. Project Title: 
National Young Leader Water-ESD Camp for ASPnet and Kelab Sejahtera Schools 2015
2. Thematic area/s addressed by the project
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3. Project partner contact information : 
Malaysian National Comission for UNESCO / ASPnet Schools for Malaysia
A partial funding and call for participants from ASPnet schools throughout Peninsular Malaysia
Main Contact: 
Mr. Mohd. Khairul Adib Bin Abd Rahman, Secretary General, Malaysian National Commission for UNESCO
4. Project type
5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 

This project is generally aimed to assemble ESD-based stakeholders in a project to educate the participants from various states in Peninsular Malaysia through a 3 days 2 nights camp. This program focus to educate the students as well as the teachers. The participants were from eight ASPnet Schools of different states in Peninsular Malaysia and eight Kelab Sejahtera Schools in Penang; which made a total of 68 participant altogether. The students vary from 14 to 18 years old. Furthermore, 16 teachers from participating schools also took part in the ESD workshop for teachers.

The vision of this project is mainly to promote ESD understanding and practical modules emphasizing on water education and socioeconomic of local communities in Kuala Sepetang, Perak, Malaysia. The project was held near the river ecosystem (Burmese Pool and Kuala Sepetang River) where it faced with the real scenario of current water ecosystem and socioeconomic of the local communities.

The objectives of the program are as follows:

1. To expose the participants on ESD through water education in daily life

2. To give a brief understanding on the importance of water ecosystem; focusing on sustainable water usage and treatment as well as effects of development in terms of environment and socioeconomic aspects among local communities

3. To provide opportunity for the participants to obtain direct information from the local communities through group interviews and on-site observation

4. To educate teachers from participating schools on ESD

All of the activities done during the camp involved high order thinking; i.e. critical thinking, visualising the sustainable future scenarios and making a collaborative decision on sustainable development and water issues. The method used throughout the camp were:

1. Theoretical lectures – to give basic understanding of certain topics based on fixed modules

2. Workshops – for teachers to be exposed on ESD-based projects. The workshop is being used as one of the indicator of their profession as teachers

3. On site practical modules – on water education and socioeconomic impact of local communities

4. Group activities/engagement – through discussions, recreational activities

5. Interviews – conducted with local fisherman and related agencies

6. Project status
The project is successfully done from 28th-30th July 2015.

The achievement of the camp can be clearly seen from the participants itself which can be divided into two major groups:
1) The school teachers are now seen to have a clearer perspective of ESD after attending the ESD Workshop for Teachers. From the response of the teachers, at least, they have planned several ESD projects at school level.
2) While for the school students they have broadened their perspectives of sustainable development that is not limited to environment only, but the social and economy aspects are covered as well.

To enhance achievements further, we plan to reach to those participated schools and guide them continuously (together with the stakeholders involved in the project) to do ESD projects at least at school level.
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