Last updated: October 23, 2019

RCE Dar es Salaam

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Rce details
Date of RCE acknowledgement:
October, 2013
Description of RCE and Geographic Region:

RCE Dar es Salaam brings together the efforts of EE/ESD from in-country stakeholder institutions and communities. The RCE Networks and seeking collaboration within stakeholder groups and by so doing monitors, mediates and harmonizes areas of shared interests and resources base.

The RCE is situated in Dar es Salaam and the areas surrounding Dar es salaam or project areas that are not in Dar es Salaam but coordinated from Dar es Salaam. 

Goals and Objectives:

To provide a link between education, the environment, economy and social integrity through giving emphasis to special groups in formal education, natural resource user groups such as forest, wildlife and wetlands communities.


  1. To advocate for conservation and sustainable use of Coastal forest resources.
  2. To coordinate production, dissemination and use of transformative ESD learning materials
  3. To enhance joint research amongst RCE stakeholders on subjects relevant to areas of specializations and concerns.
  4. To promote a waste management facility that is entrepreneurial (i.e. recycling, reuse or reduce).
Organisation Hosting RCE Secretariat:

National Museum and House of Culture in Tanzania

Key Partners:

Names of organisations: National Environmental Management Council (NEMC), Department of Environment in the Vice Presidents Office (VPO), Ministry of Natural Resources and tourism, Ministry of Education and Technical Training, Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE), UNESCO National Commission
Role: Major role in policy framing and dissemination

Names of organisations: Open University of Tanzania, University of Dar es salaam, institute of Adult education and Dar es Salaam University College of Education
Role: Major role in research and training

Names of organisations: NGOs such as the wildlife conservation society of Tanzania, Environ care and Tanzania Natural resource forum
Role: Major role in community groups engagement, school clubs, lobbying and advocacy

Current Activities:
Upcoming Activities:
  • Establishment of RCE Youth Forum
  • Collaborative meetings and discussions, partnering in implementing ESD activities, collaboration in engaging schools democratic feedbacks 
Communication Channels
RCE Website:
Facebook page:
Twitter handle:
YouTube page:
Contact Details
Main RCE Contact:
Dr Victoria Ugulumu Ferdinand
Secondary RCE Contact:
Christine Ngereza
RCE Youth Coordinator(s):
General RCE email:
RCE mailing address for correspondence:

c/o Christine Ngereza, National museum and House of Culture