Call for Abstracts: International Conference on Phytochemistry, Textile and Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development


Under the theme, ‘Advancing Science, Technology and Innovation for Industrial Growth’, the International Conference on Phytochemistry, Textile & Renewable Energy for Sustainable Development will be hosted by Moi University in Eldoret, Kenya, and is to be held from 11-15 August, 2020. This conference aims to provide a platform for academic researchers from all over the world to meet key industry professionals and actively share knowledge, while advancing the role of research in industrial development, particularly in the developing nations. The conference welcomes industrial exhibitions, research papers and presentations in the fields of Phytochemistry, Textiles, Renewable Energy, Industry, Innovations and Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM). The deadline for abstract submissions is 15 March, 2020. Further information and submission instructions can be found here.