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[Community Empowerment] Improvement of Knowledge and Management Organization Skills, and Development of Youth Human Capital in Taman Medan (2016)
2016-09-19 14:22
RCE Project
[Transformative Education] The Implementation of Science-based Learning Module Learning Styles of Orang Asli Primary School Children (2016)
2016-09-19 14:04
RCE Project
[Community Empowerment] Empowering the Orang Asli Community with Good Oral Hygiene and Habits (2016)
2016-09-19 12:30
RCE Project
[Transformative Education] Implementation of Basic Literacy Learning Module based on the Folklore of Indigenous Children (2016)
2016-09-19 12:06
RCE Project
[Community Empowerment] Helping At-Risk Teenagers in Crisis using RESPECTFUL-Community Collaboration-Cultural Empathy (RESCuE) Approach (2016)
2016-09-19 07:58
RCE Project
[Sustainable Living] Community Level Adoption of Mobile Application in Flood Management System in Kemaman Smart Community (2016)
2016-09-19 07:21
RCE Project
[Community Empowerment] Build Social Capital through Cooperation to Eradicate Poverty Fisherman in Kuala Besut (2016)
2016-09-19 07:01
RCE Project
[Transformative Education] ICT Skills Enhancement Programme for Orang Asli Fund (2016)
2016-09-15 13:25
RCE Project