RCE Saskatchewan-2014

1. Project Title: 
Nature City Festival, Saskatoon
2. Thematic area/s addressed by the project
Select your options: 
3. Project partner contact information : 
Wild About Saskatoon
All the work is done by diverse individuals and organizations in Saskatoon through a team approach
Main Contact: 
Janet McVittie (306-966-7582, janet.mcvittie@usask.ca); other contacts: Fiji Robinson (rudecat@sasktel.net), Candace Savage (Candace.savage@sasktel.net), Candace Neufeld (Candace_neufeld@hotmail.com)
5. Project description
Provide a short description of the project including strategies, regional challenges, aims and specific project activities.: 

The Nature City Festival is one week, at the end of May, in which over 70 organizations profile the city of Saskatoon and the biodiversity of species, cultures, and art within the city. There are speakers, workshops, tours, celebrations, art shows, musical concerts, conversations. As an example, there were several “Walk and Surprise Concert”s where people would meet at a location, walk through a natural or naturalized area, and then – lo! – a musical ensemble would be lurking in the trees, and would perform beautiful human music amidst the beautiful songs of the natural world. Another example: people met at a local pub which features local beer made from mostly local products, and they converse about a “green” topic (Green Drinks held on the Friday of the festival). The purpose of the festival is to encourage all citizens to take up the promotion of biodiversity – through the preservation of natural areas, the creation of naturalized areas, the production and promotion of local food and other products, the glorification of all this through art.

6. Project status
On Going
The first annual Festival was 2013, the second in 2014. At third is anticipated – plan on spending a week in Saskatoon. Diversity of events continues to increase, with greater interaction and ways to attract a more diverse human audience.
See http://www.wildaboutsaskatoon.org/#!festival/cewq
8. Tagging