RCE Kyrgyzstan-2015

a) Criteria/ indicators used to assess aspects of RCE work/ project: Character count 300 words: 
The RCE Kyrgyzstan assessment was done by West East management Institute in the Kyrgyz Republic (USAID program)for this year. The assesment indicators
1. number of employers;
2. number of stakeholders;
3. number implemented projects;
Strategy and working plan for the organization was a criteria of assessment.

b) Successes of the RCE and lessons learned: Character count 300 words: 
RCE Kyrgyzstan implemented the project which oriented on transformation of approaches of ”green” skills to teaching and learning of TVET educators. Experience of this project is used by other organizations that work in ESD sphere. Within the frame work of the project we managed to establish solid partnership relations of TVET and businesses, students of lyceums undertakes internships at small businesses and takes jobs on new “green” professions. Businesses started to implement sustainable development principles: reduced amount of solid waste, use of local materials and save energy resources. Local communities are using new skills and knowledge for insulating homes and using resource-saving materials. As a result of RCE Kyrgyzstan project implementation SAPF initiated republican contest that was called “To sustainable development via green campuses”. We received
more than 100 applications from lyceums and youth NGO’s.
c) Challenges experiences: Character count 300 words: 
RCE Kyrgyzstan working in frame of the Kyrgyz Republic sustainable development strategy implementation program (2013-2017) which is an administration tool, the policy contents has formulated for all development areas through specific requirements to the key components of the public administration system: (i) institutional capacity; (ii) legislation; (iii) human resource capacity and the need of its improvement to promote sustainable development principles within the country; and (iv) reliability of information for reconciled policy solutions.
As in Kyrgyz Republic the forecasting demand for "green" specialties; RCE Kyrgyzstan created appropriate professional competence through close cooperation between enterprises and educational institutions, to coordinate activities of the relevant stakeholders to focused on sustainable lifestyle educational programs. The RCE Kyrgyzstan would continue its activities with aims at the capacity development sustainable lifestyle
behavior of small businesses and entrepreneurs in implementing more sustainable business practices, including those in the area of resource efficiency and cleaner production. The experience gained from the RCE Kyrgyzstan will contribute into economic viability through public awareness companies, to increase the attractiveness of "green" products. To develop more environmentally friendly product by increasing its quality and
desirability, introducing more sustainable business practices and systems that support them (e.g. policy instruments, business culture, public demand).