
a) Criteria/ indicators used to assess aspects of RCE work/ project: Character count 300 words: 
Work at RCE BMU is carried out on three levels:

1) Service- co-constructing projects with communities designed to usher in desired improvements to the natural environment, the community and the local economy.

2) Project evaluation research, publication and knowledge dissemination.

3) Policy implications studies offered to governmental legislative and implementing bodies.

In spite of limitations assessed by the primary collaborating university, RCE BMU has managed to conduct numerous projects as indicated in the 2017 Annual Report.

In 2018 we hope to be free from Institutional constraints; as such, we should be able to conduct thoughtful self-reflection exercises.
b) Successes of the RCE and lessons learned: Character count 300 words: 

° Having outstanding, committed collaborators and stakeholders
° United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Teachers' Resource Book
° The Community Engagement chapter with UNU-IAS
° The Community Health chapter with UNU-IAS
° RCE BMU Youth Coordinator presenting the Young Authors' work at the Okayama RCE Conference 2017. Thank you RCE Community!
° Bringing RCE BMU Youth to the Sustainability Summit in Chihuahua, México
° The DRR, health and wellbeing work carried out in Salinas California USA and in Cebu Philippines
° The assistance to migrant populations in the México-US borderlands region
° The assistance to homeless and to communities lacking piped potable water in the borderlands region
° The fine work designed to bring about 'health literacy' in marginal communities in the borderlands region

Lessons Learned:

We must collaborate with the University, yet not let it take over the limited resources nor the operationalization of LL/CDT-RCE BMU projects.
c) Challenges experiences: Character count 300 words: 
The biggest challenge is to work with the University, yet not let it usurp resources nor re-assign projects to close associates who do not work at the level of integrity, academic quality and community service that we seek to uphold.