RCE Grand Rapids-2018

a) Criteria/ indicators used to assess aspects of RCE work/ project: Character count 300 words: 
RCE Grand Rapids uses Global Action Plan (GAP) to align its work with the GAP objectives. We created a grid to track our individual and collective work as RCE partners within the Grand Rapids RCE. We are primarily focused on ESD within the geographic reach of our RCE, i.e. Western Central Michigan.
b) Successes of the RCE and lessons learned: Character count 300 words: 
In 2017 RCE Grand Rapids hosted a very successful conference on Circular Economies. Speakers included Ken Webster of Ellen MacArthur Foundation in London and local panelists from design, manufacturing and recycle/reuse sectors. The conference was attended by over 100 persons representing all three sectors represented on the panel plus local government and higher education. A number of undergraduate students attended and learned principles of the circular economy. Lessons learned: topics of current interest such as this one draw engaged audiences; partnerships (in this case with West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum and local design, manufacturing and recycling businesses) improves content quality and expands participation, even as it may surface conflicts between planners. www.grpartner.org/learn/sustainable-videos/
c) Challenges experiences: Character count 300 words: 
Extended planning period due to volunteer planners and scheduling of speakers. Focus took several meetings; that is, should we focus on one sector alone, should we focus on concrete examples or stay very general. Sponsorships were required to cover costs and we experienced mild challenges of raising these resources out of concern for conflict with West Michigan Sustainable Business Forum and because planners were also involved in asking sponsorship grants for their own work.