Elmi Imellya Yakil

For my Hand Embroidery Art (the art of decorative stitching on fabric with needle and thread), I used several stitches such as stem stitch, back stitch, long and short stitch, satin stitch and french knots to shape my favourite animal; the sea turtle. Sea turtle populations have dramatically declined in the past two centuries, making them now classified as endangered species. Fishing is a major threat to sea turtles as they become caught in fishing nets as bycatch or accidental catch. Besides, ocean pollution caused by humans is also a concern. Sea turtles often mistake plastic for jellyfish thus harming them. Hence, actions as simple as reducing our plastic consumption, practicing good fishery, participating in coastal clean-ups and saying no to turtle delicacy can protect and stop the decline of sea turtles and help these ancient mariners in the world’s oceans.
