Aiden Chew

When people look at my artwork, I hope they ponder about how our actions and lifestyle affects the natural world and survival of these species. Sea turtles have existed over 100 million years; however, their greatest threat comes from humans, causing nearly all species of sea turtles to be considered endangered today. Education for conservation and preventing further harm needs to start from our young people. Even a simple change of habits like using reusable bags, bottles, containers and not releasing balloons into the air, which tends to end up in the ocean mistakenly ingested by the turtles, will help in conservation efforts. We must also continue to advocate for safe practices on beaches where turtles are known to lay their eggs on, and be a voice against items made of turtle shells and meat. Healthy oceans need sea turtles and it is up to us to protect the environment and co-exist with nature.
