RCE Greater Western Sydney-2014

a) Criteria/ indicators used to assess aspects of RCE work/ project: Character count 300 words: 
RCE GWS have created a draft evualation framework for member discussion at the end of this year.
This is based on an Input- Output - Outcome & Impact model of evaluation.
Inputs include volunteer time and fianncial and non financial resources
Outputs include activities
Impacts “a marked effect or influence”
Outcome: “a consequence”
This will cover operations and visibility, press, reputation as well as teaching and learning, scholarship,knowledge application, knowledge generation, knowledge utilisation such as making publicly available and translating academic research for community understanding, academic journal publications and creating platforms for new collaborative linkages.

c) Challenges experiences: Character count 300 words: 
This is a very challenging and new area for RCE GWS given the wide cariety of stakholders with vastly different governance structures.