Last updated: August 30, 2023

RCE Galicia

Photo Credit:
Rce details
Date of RCE acknowledgement:
December, 2017
Description of RCE and Geographic Region:

RCE Galicia is commited to taking care of and respecting the "Terra", a Galician word that implies Earth (our planet), Land and Soil, but also our country, Galicia, in the biocultural sense.

Located in the NW of the Iberian Peninsula, Galicia is one of the 17 autonomous communities of Spain, the first-level political and administrative divisions of the country. Besides, it is one of the three recognised nationalities inside Spain with its own different culture and language. Its total land area is 29,574 km2 and the total population is 2.7 million. 

Photo credit: RCE Galicia

Goals and Objectives:

RCE Galicia strives to inform, sensitise and engage with the educational community and society as a whole to promote social transformation for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, through grounded experiences that promote conservation, sustainability, environmental protection and resilience.

The 5 key goals of RCE Galicia are to:

  • Empower Galician society, particularly Galician youth, to take informed decisions and responsible action for environmental integrity, sustainable and ecological economic viability and a free and just society for present and future generations, in our region and the rest of the world.
  • Empower Galician society, particularly Galician youth, to participate in common land community governance and socio-political processes, moving their local communities and Galician society toward a sustainable and resilient future.
  • Foster an inclusive learning environment for ESD and ESDG, which is action-oriented, transformative, problem-solving oriented, intergenerational, inter- and transdisciplinary, community-based, self-directed, participatory and collaboratory, linking formal and informal learning during the whole life-span.
  • Foster cross-cutting competencies for achieving sustainability, including envisioning desired futures and anticipatory thinking, systems thinking, normative competency, strategic competency, collaboratory competency, critical thinking, self-awareness competency and integrated problem-solving competency.
  • Mainstreaming ESD by its appropriate integration in the curricula of formal education, from early childhood rearing to primary, secondary, technical and vocational and higher education, and also nonformal education initiatives, particularly through sustainability-related intended learning outcomes.

Photo credit: RCE Galicia

Organisation Hosting RCE Secretariat:

Fundação Montescola (Community NGO)

Key Partners:
  • Asociación Axóuxere Editora (publishing house)
  • Asociación Costavales (non-profit local currency association)
  • Asociación Véspera de Nada (NGO)
  • Asociación Touda (NGO)
  • Comunidade Vizinhal de Vilar (common land community)
  • Associação Sócio-cultural O Iríbio (community NGO)
  • Fundação Academia Galega da Língua Portuguesa (foundation)
  • Fundação Montescola (foundation)
  • Grupo de Investigación de Economía ecolóxica e dos recursos naturais / USC (university research group)
  • Sociedade Histórica e Cultural Coluna Sanfins (community NGO)
  • Sindicato Labrego Galego (agricultural trade union)
  • Comunidade do Monte Vizinhal em Mão Comum de Frojám (common land community)
  • Asociación Veciñal de Lentille (community NGO)
  • Asociación de Amigos e Amigas dos Bosques O Ouriol de Anllóns (NGO)
  • Sociedade Cultural e Recreativa Bergantiños (community NGO)
Current Activities:
Upcoming Activities:
  • Development and launch of the first comprehensive mining awareness educational tool-kit for ages 6-12 and >12, including a children's book ("A mina contamina"), an educational play, a documentary film ("San Finx 1960") and teacher's/facilitator's guides for ages 6-12 and >12.

Photo credit: RCE Galicia

Communication Channels
RCE Website:
Facebook page:
Twitter handle:
YouTube page:
Contact Details
Main RCE Contact:
Xoán R. Doldán
Secondary RCE Contact:
Iolanda Mato Creo
RCE Youth Coordinator(s):
Paulo Vaamonde
General RCE email:
RCE mailing address for correspondence: