RCE Hokkaido Central
Central Hokkaido is located in the middle of the island of Hokkaido, accounting for 22,146.85km2. It includes Sapporo city, whose population is the fourth largest in Japan, with 60% of the population of Hokkaido concentrated in Sapporo and its surrounding area.
Photo credit: RCE Hokkaido Central
The vision of RCE Hokkaido Central is to realise a sustainable regional society toward the next 100 years by learning the history of developing Hokkaido, from the past 150 years. Under the vision, we will provide opportunities for stakeholders to share and gather their knowledge of ESD for a sustainable society in Central Hokkaido. In parallel, we will also implement various educational projects and programs. We will strive to make a model of a sustainable society in the Central Hokkaido region so that people from all over the world would come to learn from our experiences.
Long-term goals for 35 years to 2050:
- For various stakeholders in fields and sectors to share issues and advantages in Central Hokkaido and to collaborate naturally along our visions
- To provide advice on policies which can inform policymaking
- To informally visit various regions around the world
Rakuno Gakuen University and Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University
Name of organisation: Rakuno Gakuen University
Role: Representation
Contact name: Masami KANEKO
Contact email: knk-msm@rakuno.ac.jp
Name of organisation: Graduate School of Environmental Science, Hokkaido University
Role: Sub delegate
Contact name: Yasuhiro YAMANAKA
Contact email: galapen@ees.hokudai.ac.jp
- SD programs through regional collaboration and high school-university connections
- Trial policymaking through collaboration
- Promotion of fair trade
- Stakeholders meeting on Sustainable Development
- ESD study tour program will be held in Winter