RCE Porto Metropolitan Area
RCE Porto Metropolitan Area is the RCE of the Porto Metropolitan Area in Portugal, a network of public and private entities that act in the area of education-action of citizens for a sustainable future.
RCE Porto Metropolitan Area’s mission is to promote ESD in the region through the establishment of a collaborative network of local, regional and national entities that facilitates coordination between them, creates synergies, defines and adopts quality standards, valourises the region’s resources, research and the generation of knowledge on sustainability, social dialogue, innovation and the promotion of information and training.
In recent years, RCE Porto Metropolitan Area has given special attention to promoting native forests in the region and active involvement of citizens in the process. It’s flagship project is FUTURE – the 100,000 native trees project for Porto Metropolitan Area.
Portuguese Catholic University
- Porto Metropolitan Area Coordination (Multi-stakeholder Entity)
- DREN - Regional Office of the Ministry of Education
- UNESCO Portuguese National Committee
- Lipor – Waste Management Intermunicipal Service of the Great Porto Region (Multi-stakeholder Entity)
- "UN Millennium Development Goals” Campaign Coordination
- IPJ - Portuguese Youth Institute
- CCDR-N – Regional Office of the Ministry of the Environment
- Campo Aberto (NGO)
- Municipalities from the Porto Metropolitan Area (16) (Municipal Government)
- Fundação Serralves (Contemporary Art Museum) (Foundation)
- ARH - Water Resources Regional Administration
- Portuguese Catholic University (Higher Education Institution)
- Forestis (NGO)
- "Nature is the best classroom": project that includes awareness sessions addressed to teachers and partner technical staff
- FUTURE – the 100,000 native trees project for Porto Metropolitan Area: creating and nurturing native woodlands in the region (with local and regional organisations and volunteers)
The main achievements of RCE Porto Metropolitan Area is the greater cooperation among partners and the knowledge generated and disseminated in the region.
Its main project, FUTURE, achieved its goal of planting 100,000 trees in the region in seven years, with the involvement of more than 16,700 voluntary participations and the executions of 627 fieldwork activities.
Centro Regional de Excelência em
Educação para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Área Metropolitana do Porto
Universidade Católica Portuguesa | Porto
Rua Arquiteto Lobão Vital 172
4200-374 Porto