Last updated: July 19, 2024

RCE Samara

Photo Credit:
Rce details
Date of RCE acknowledgement:
August, 2007
Description of RCE and Geographic Region:

Samara is one of the largest cities in Russia, located in the south-east of European Russia on the Volga River, with a population of more than one million people. Just across the river there is Samarskaya Luka National Park with the Zhiguli Mountains and Nature Preserve. Samara has a rich history of more than 400 years and architectural heritage of Russian wooden architecture. The Samara Region faces several social and environmental challenges, such as preservation of cultural and architectural heritage, social adaptation of migrants, supporting ethnic diversity, air, water, and land pollution, and deforestation.

Photo credit: RCE Samara

Goals and Objectives:

RCE Samara is the first Regional Centre of Expertise on Education for Sustainable Development in Russia, established in 2007. Samara’s challenges need to be addressed with an educational and information network that is capable of ensuring sustainability in the region. The mission of RCE Samara is to build capacity to deliver, support and generate innovative education for sustainable development in the area. This involves working with partners and developing a coordinated communication and dissemination network for regional SD/ESD projects and programmes.

Organisation Hosting RCE Secretariat:
Key Partners:

Name of organisation: Samara State Technical University (SSTU)
Role: Platform for educational and research projects in the field of ecology, sustainable construction, oil refining, pharmaceutical industry etc., for promoting in the students cluster, developing student participation in the fields of local public activity, interactions with the local public administration institutions.
Contact name: Anna Zotova
Contact email:

Name of organisation: Union of Architects of Russia, AII-Russian Creative Professional Public Organization
Contact email:

Name of organisation: Technical Lyceum Samara
Contact email:
Name of organisation: Municipal School No. 12, Samara
Contact email:

Current Activities:
  • Research projects in the field of ecology: waste and residues neutralisation of natural gas odorant; technology for edible films and packaging; monitoring of water, air and surface areas for scientific civilian purposes using groups of diverse robotic vehicles.
  • Research projects in the field of oil production and refining: technology of waste industrial catalysts regeneration; intensification of oil production process.
  • Research projects in the field of pharmaceutical industry: Computer design of new inhibitors of viral reproduction by virtual screening of frame structure compounds.
  • Research projects in the field of nanotechnologies: technology of denotation application of nanostructured coatings.
  • Research projects in the field of architecture and civil engineering: urban planning regulation of architectural and historical environment; BIM-Technologies in construction.

Photo credit: RCE Samara

Upcoming Activities:
Communication Channels
RCE Website:
Twitter handle:
YouTube page:
Contact Details
Main RCE Contact:
Elena Dmitrieva
Secondary RCE Contact:
Anna Zotova
RCE Youth Coordinator(s):
Ekaterina Mironova
General RCE email:
RCE mailing address for correspondence: