RCE Tasmania - 2023

Freedom Polos Project
Basic Information
Title of project : 
Freedom Polos Project
Submitting RCE: 
RCE Tasmania
Contributing organization(s) : 
University of Tasmania
The Freedom Polos Project
Department for Education, Children and Young People
Focal point(s) and affiliation(s)
Trisha Striker
Organizational Affiliation: 
University of Tasmania
Language of project: 
Date of submission:
Thursday, August 17, 2023
Geographical & Education Information
Tasmania, Australia
Address of focal point institution for project: 
University of Tasmania
Sandy Bay Campus
Churchill Avenue, Sandy Bay
Tasmania 7005
Postal Address: University of Tasmania Private Bag 51 HOBART TAS 7001

Target Audience:
Socioeconomic and environmental characteristics of the area : 
The area in which FPP operates is a high socioeconomic cohort by global standards, but at the lower end of the socioeconomic spectrum within Australia.
Description of sustainable development challenge(s) in the area the project addresses: 
Modern slavery and exploitation is specifically mentioned in SDG 8.7, however there are strong links between the conditions that create and perpetuate modern slavery and exploitation and all the SDGs. In particular, modern slavery and exploitation affects people's access to quality and equitable education, both for children and adults.
By connecting Tasmanian children with children from other countries, the Freedom Polos Project also aims to develop a deeper awareness and understanding of globality and connectedness.
To support Tasmanian school communities to choose Fairtrade certified, organic cotton school uniforms to reduce the risk and occurrence of child labour and exploitation in garment manufacturing supply chains.
Activities and/or practices employed: 
Currently, the main activity is to connect schools in Tasmania with Fairtrade Certified, organic cotton uniform suppliers who can work directly with school communities to provide schools with Fairtrade Certified uniforms.
Future activities will be for school students in Tasmania to be able to have opportunities to learn about Fairtrade certification through the clothing they wear to school, and for teachers at schools to be able to use this project as a case study within their curriculum.
Size of academic audience: 
One school has participated so far. It is hoped that this project can reach a greater number of teachers, students and school communities. The initial participating school, Illawarra Primary, in southern Tasmania, has recently adopted ethical, organic uniform options.
Lessons learned: 
A challenge has been working with school councils that may not be initially open to the environmental and social benefits of the ethically, organically-sourced uniform options.
Key messages: 
Fairtrade Certified clothing is one way to reduce the risk and occurrence of modern slavery and exploitation in clothing supply chains, by addressing core issues such as poverty, food security, quality education, etc.
UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
(https://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/sdgs) and other themes of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)
SDG 8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for all 
SDG 12 - Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns 
Plants & Animals 
I acknowledge the above: 