Africa and Middle East

RCE Greater Masaka officially inaugurated

RCE Greater Masaka was launched on 21 September, 2016 at its hosting institution Uganda Martyrs University. The colourful ceremony was officiated by the Guest of Honour Mr. Augustine Omare Okurut, as well as the Secretary General of the Uganda National Commission for UNESCO.


RCE Minna and RCE Grand Rapids organize the first Youth Virtual Conference in Africa

RCE Minna and RCE Grand Rapids organize the first Youth Virtual Conference (YVC) in Africa on youth empowerment and vocational training.

African countries face large economic challenges, partly due to the long dependence on mono-economies and the fall in commodity values. Youth are often the most affected, with high unemployment rates and little economic perspective. Incoherent youth programmes and little funding have added to the urgency for Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) programmes in this region.

