Call for entries: Okayama RCE Award 2024

RCE Okayama (Japan) and the ESD Okayama Award Steering Committee are pleased to announce that the ESD Okayama Award 2024 is now open for entries.

The Award honours outstanding ESD practices in local communities around the world to support organisations carrying out ESD activities and to promote ESD to local communities globally through showcasing their initiatives.

Eligibility: Organisations based in any country implementing ESD activities in local communities are eligible.
Number of Award-Winning Projects: one or two projects
Prize: US $3,000 per project
Deadline for Application: 12 July 2024, 17:00 (Japanese Standard Time)
Award Ceremony: The Award Ceremony is scheduled on Saturday, 23 November 2024. One representative of the winning projects will be invited to the Ceremony in Okayama, Japan to give a presentation. It has not been decided whether this will be held in-person or online.

View the Application Guide and Application Form, and for more details, please visit the official website.
