Parallel Sessions II(Climate Change)

Parallel Sessions II (Case Presentation Session by themes)

Education Strategies for Climate Change Adaptation - RCE presentations
Moderator: Dr. Riyanti Djalante (UNU-IAS)

Dr. Wei Zhiyong (RCE Hohhot) - Combating Climate Change and Desertification through Education
Prof. Abba Haladu (RCE Kano) - Mass Education Strategies for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: Lessons from Nigeria
Mr. Brian Waswala (RCE Greater Nairobi) - Kenyan Youth Engagement in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation through Environmental Education Practices
Dr. Kimberley Smith (RCE Greater Portland) - Facing Climate Change: A Train-the-Trainer Workshop


Presentation RCE Hohhot here

Video RCE Hohhot here

Project Summary Sheet RCE Hohhot here

Presentation RCE Kano here

Presentation RCE Greater Nairobi here

Presentation RCE Greater Portland here

Project Summary Sheet RCE Greater Portland here

Project Material: Ecopsychology Curriculum RCE Greater Portland here

Project Material: Facing Climate Change Handbook RCE Greater Portland here

Presentation Key: