RCE Rio de Janeiro
Rio de Janeiro is one of the 27 federative units of Brazil and is located in the southeast region of the country. Its total area is around 43,7 thousand km², which is slightly bigger than Denmark. With 92 municipalities. Rio de Janeiro has about 17 million inhabitants (IBGE, 2018) and its capital city is Rio de Janeiro. The state is the second economy in the country.
Photo credit: Clarisse Lima
The main goals and objectives of the RCE are based on the 'Map for the Development of Rio de Janeiro', a program for sustainable development in the State built in 2006 by the Federation of Industries of Rio de Janeiro. They consider the needs concerning effective supply of education aimed at sustainable development in the following main areas:
- Infrastructure and logistics
- Financing
- Safety and combating criminality
- Education and health
- Efficient public management
- Entrepreneurial and political leadership
- Institutional and regulatory environments
Rede Tecnologia (RedeTec) (NGO)
Name of organisation: Faculdade Cesgranrio
Role: Project Manager
Contact name: Clarisse Lima
Contact email: clarisselima@cesgranrio.org.br
- Preparing the teacher of the 21st century: a proposal for a new Pedagogy course adopting a competence-based curriculum
Faculdade Cesgranrio
Rua Cosme Velho, 155
Rio de Janeiro/RJ