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RCE Nuremberg-2011-2011

RCE Nuremberg-2011

1. Leadership, Vision and Objectives
1. Vision of your RCE: 
The main vision of the RCE Nuremberg is the delivery of the United Nations educational concept for sustainable development onto the regional and local levels and the development of appropriate measures for schools and classroom instruction. Specifically, we focus on two areas of concentration: 1) the promotion of environmental awareness, particularly in schools and, in general, among the population in the Region; and 2) the strengthening of social and intercultural cohesion through improving educational qualifications of youths, since 67% of all pupils in Nuremberg can be identified as having some form of migration background dating back to their parents’ generation.
2. Leadership structure
a. Administration: 
b. Transactional : 
c. Transformational : 
2. Social Network
3. Core partners: 
Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Gesundheit, Verkehrsverbund Großraum Nürnberg,
Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge,
Friedrich Alexander Universität Erlangen Nürnberg, Ministerialbeauftragte für Realschulen in Mittelfranken, Nürnberger Elternverband e.V.,
Pedagogical Institute of the City of Munich
4. Cooperation and communication : 
We work effectively and on the whole smoothly with our partner organizations. Since most of our work takes place on the regional level, communication is mostly done through meetings and eMail correspondence. We regularly hold separate consultation and network meetings for all the projects involved.
5. Facilitating development
Connections / Partnership with
UN institutions
If yes, give examples: 
United Nations University
Other international organizations
If yes, give examples: 
Comenius-Regio Programme,
Grundtvig Programme for Lifelong Learning
Other RCEs
If yes, give examples: 
International experts
Expert organizations at national, regional and global levels
If yes, give examples: 
Regional experts in our aforementioned partner universities and institutions
6. Social network
a. Information network (exchanging information, e.g. building up a database for SD projects): 
b. Knowledge network (creating knowledge by collaboration, e.g. finding synergies between partners by experience exchange): 
c. Innovation network (creating innovation by co-creation and shared vision,e.g. investigating new solutions for challenges by f: 
3. Participation
7. Participation of actors : 
We strive for an inclusive and participatory approach in the development and implementation of our projects. The coordination of most of the project activities falls mainly on our staff members.
8. Participation opportunities
a.Informational participation (people get informed about decisions and actions): 
b.Consultation participation (people are asked about their needs and opinions): 
c.Decision influencing participation (people are involved in decision making processes): 
4. Education & Learning
9. Educational activities : 
Being an institution under the Department of Schools in Nuremberg,educational activities are the centerpiece of all our efforts and resources. At the forefront of all our projects lies the vision of better quality, inclusive schools geared towards sustainable development of natural and social, i.e. humanpower resources.
10. Competences and capabilities : 
On the one hand, the ESD activities emphasize improving the language competencies of pupils, esp. those with migration backgrounds (MSRG project), the observation and verbal- descriptive competencies of pupils in the "Nature in the City" project, and the adaptive competencies of migrant school parents in the NEST project. On the other hand, these same ESD activities provide a venue for improving these competencies further through the proposed activities in partner schools developed in consultations within the MSRG project, through excursions organized by the "Nature in the City " project, and through participation in the "Parents' Cafes" organized by the NEST project.
Connections / Partnership with
a. Access to quality basic education
If yes, give examples: 
improving access to higher quality education for pupils with migration backgrounds
b. Training for different sectors of the society
If yes, give examples: 
pupils, teachers, parents of pupils, school social workers, headmasters, pedagogical personnel
c. Public awareness
If yes, give examples: 
Website "Zukunftskompass"
d. Reorientation of existing education
If yes, give examples: 
Education for environmental awareness and inclusion
12. Educational activities
a. Theory (communicating of ESD principles, strategies, examples): 
b. Discussion (knowledge exchange and mutual learning on ESD): 
c. Interactive & Multidimensional (Action oriented learning, e.g. workshops, intergenerational, interdisciplinary,…) : 
5. Research Integration
13. Research & Development (R&D): 
R & D is not the focus point of our RCE and we have neither the staff nor the financial resources to do basic research. However in the project planning phase, we do secondary research, cooperate closely with our university and other insitutional partners, and carry out formal and informal interviews with persons from the target groups reached by our projects. We evaluate all our activities with standardized questionnaires and analyze results in fine-tuning project planning for future activities.
14. Research partners : 
Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg - Prof. Göhlich and Prof. Liebau, National Office for MIgration and Refugees, State Institute for School Quality and Educational Research in Bavaria
15. Description of research
a. Disciplinary (focusing on one discipline of research, e.g. social aspects) : 
b. Interdisciplinary (taking interrelations between disciplines into account, e.g. economic effects on the environment and peopl: 
c. Transdisciplinary (involving affected people into your research activities, e.g. interviews with affected people): 
Project Reports
Hand in Hand - Learning Together, Working Together
„Mehr Schulerfolg an Realschulen und Gymnasium“ - More School Success in Secondary Schools
Environmental Station
NEST – Nuremberg Parents‘ Office for School Success and Participation

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