RCE Greater Dhaka
The RCE Greater Dhaka is the largest RCE, comprised of Dhaka megacity and the adjacent low lying most vulnerable coastal zone, having a population more than 55 million. To mitigate the climate change extremes and human induced crises for a sustainable Dhaka megacity and to reduce the sufferings of huge human settlements in and around Dhaka for existence of our future generation, it has actively been working with its other partners. To mitigate the crises and the unsustainable activities the following institutions have collectively organized is a network or consortium to share and exchange the sustainable activities, research projects and awareness training programs.
Bangladesh is a tropical monsoon country in South Asian Region. It is a funnel shaped deltaic floodplain of the Ganges, Brahmanputra, Meghna, Karnofuli, Shangu and Matamuhuri rivers meets to the Bay of Bengal. The northern and eastern Boundaries are the hills of eastern Himalayas and Arakan and Lusai ranges respectively. Huge monsoon rainfall brings silt and organic matters to the downstream and made the most fertile region of the world with the highest population. However, hundreds of tributaries and distributaries help growing food crops, fibres and many other cash crops including bamboos and timbers etc. But to feed the huge population, short-term benefited technologies especially high inputs depended ones, excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, deforestation in and around the region, change of the landscape, unplanned urbanization and industrialization especially textile, dyeing, hide and skin and medicine industries etc. have polluted the environment especially the air, soil, water-bodies and thus the ecosystem services are becoming less functional and affecting the human health as well as other lives. These enforced huge rural population especially from the vulnerable coastal zone to migrate to Dhaka megacity. It is also regarded as one of the most unlivable enclosed coastal megacity in the world.
Photo credit: RCE Greater Dhaka
The RCE Greater Dhaka facilitates collaboration to research, develop and promote Education for Sustainability and Global Citizenship, so that is central to the emergence of a sustainable megacity and coastal zone. The vision of the RCE Greater Dhaka is to tackle the problems identified in the key ESD challenges in the region and contribute to the promotion of Education for Sustainable Development both locally, regionally and globally. The RCE’s ultimate vision is to engage all city dwellers as well as the people of the coastal zone of Bangladesh in lifelong learning and effective change of sustainable ways of being, living, working and acting. It is envisioned that the RCE Greater Dhaka will serve as an example of good practice to other regions facing similar sustainability challenges and issues and contribute to the goals set by the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development and beyond 2015 and is committed to meet up the UN Agenda 2030 for SDGs including the target 4.7 for ESD.
Goals and objectives:
RCE Greater Dhaka facilitates collaboration to research, develop and promote Education for Sustainability and Global Citizenship, so that is central to the emergence of a sustainable megacity and coastal zone. The vision of RCE Greater Dhaka is to tackle the problems identified in the key ESD challenges in the region and contribute to the promotion of Education for Sustainable Development both locally, regionally and globally. The RCE’s ultimate vision is to engage all city dwellers as well as the people of the coastal zone of Bangladesh in lifelong learning and effective change of sustainable ways of being, living, working and acting. It is envisioned that the RCE Greater Dhaka will serve as an example of good practice to other regions facing similar sustainability challenges and issues and contribute to the goals set by the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. Extended Goals are to implement SDGs in the Region.
Photo credit: RCE Greater Dhaka
Centre for Global Environmental Culture (CGEC) of IUBAT—International University of Business Agriculture and Technology
Name of organisation: WWOOF Bangladesh
Role: ESD and Sustainable Agriculture
Contact name: MA Rahman
Contact email: marahman@wwoofbangladesh.org
Name of organisation: Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST)
Role: ESD, SDGs and Disaster Management
Contact name: Professor Akterul Islam Chowdhury
Contact email: aic_cee@yahoo.com
Name of organisation: Gono bishwabidyalawa University
Role: ESD and SDGs
Contact name: Professor Dr Laila Parveen Banu
Contact email: vc@gonouniversity.edu.bd
Name of organisation: Green Savers Association
Role: ESD and Greening Urban Bangladesh
Contact name: Mr Ahsan Rony
Contact email: greensavers.association@gmail.com
Name of organisation: IISS IUBAT Institute of SDG Studies
Role: Sustainable Development and SDGs
Contact name: Dr R Dastagir
Contact email: rdastagir@iubat.edu
Name of organisation: Masum Agricultural Village
Role: ESD and SDG 1 and SDG 2
Contact name: Mr Anamul Kabir
Contact email: anamuldu@gmail.com
Name of organisation: Red Crescent Youth Chittagong
Role: Disaster Management and youth engagement, ESD and SDGs
Contact name: Mr Towfikul Azam
Contact email: towfiqrcy@yahoo.com
Name of organisation: Department of Environmental Science and Disaster Management, Noakhali University of Science and Technology
Role: Disaster Management and Climate Action, ESD and SDGs
Contact name: Dr MA Salam
Contact email: s_salam1978@yahoo.com
Name of organisation: City University
Role: ESD and SDGs
Contact name: Ms Laila Habib
Contact email: laila_bste@cityuniversity.edu.bd
Name of the organisation: Initiative for Nutritious and Safe Agro Food (INSAF)
Role: ESD and Sustainable Agriculture
Contact Name: Mr Md Matinur Rahman
Contact email: mdmatinurrahman@gmail.com
- ESD in Covid 19 and SDGs
- Establishment of IISS IUBAT Institute of SDG Studies
- Climate Action and Ecosystem Restoration
- Sustainable Agriculture and Climatic Adaptation of Crops
- Biodiversity Conservation and Rural Home-centred Aggregated Farming
- Disaster Management
- Accelerating Knowledge Based Area Development (KBAD) for ESD skilled youths
Photo Credit: MA Hanif
- ESD and SDGs in Higher Educational Institutes
- Starting of Masters in Sustainability Studies
- Modelling Sustainable Agriculture
- Ecosystem Restoration and Climate Action
- Biodiversity and Ecosystem based Adaptation
- Climate Action
Photo Credit: MA Hanif
- RCE Greater Dhaka received Flagship award, Good Practice awards and Honourable Mention Awards in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2017, 2018 and 2019 from UNU-IAS
- Received National Environment Award in 2014 and 2015
- Becomes the Founder Partner of the Common Microbial Biotechnology Platform (CMBP) of Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT
Photo Credit: MA Hanif
4 Embankment Drive Road, Uttara Model Town, Sector 10, Dhaka 1230, Bangladesh