
RCE Greater Atlanta - 2023


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon Morehouse x GT.jpeg (8.28 MB) Cross-institutional meeting between Georgia Tech student coordinators and Morehouse School of Medicine, on the MSM campus, Summer 2023. Mark Lannaman
Image icon RCE coordinators Spring 2023.png (525.46 KB) RCE Greater Atlanta student and staff coordinators meeting, Spring 2023. Coordinators represent 4 higher education institutions and include one long-time volunteer. Jennifer Hirsch
Image icon XL t-shirts 4.jpg (2.63 MB) RCE student coordinators from Georgia Institute of Technology have fun in the office, Summer 2022. Aditya Desai
Date of submission:
Monday, August 28, 2023
RCE Greater Atlanta’s Multi-Institutional Network Coordination Team
Target Audience:

RCE Greater Atlanta - 2023


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Image icon quarterly_jan1.jpeg (253.71 KB) Jan 2023 Quarterly Meeting – Fireside Chat with Chandra Farley, Chief Sustainability Officer, City of Atlanta
Image icon quarterly_jul2.jpeg (367.28 KB) July 2023 Quarterly Meeting – small group discussion for Mentorship Program Fiona Cheung
Image icon quarterly_jul3.jpeg (425.21 KB) July 2023 Quarterly Meeting – small group discussion for Community Organization Engagement Fiona Cheung
Date of submission:
Monday, August 28, 2023
RCE Greater Atlanta Quarterly Meetings
Target Audience:

RCE Yogyakarta - 2023


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Image icon Focus Group Discussion of Pharmacists.JPG (6.02 MB) Focus Group Discussion (FGD) of Pharmacists Y. Nurfauzi
Image icon Training of SANTUN Model for pharmacists.JPG (5.6 MB) Training of SANTUN Model for Pharmacists Y. Nurfauzi
Image icon Home care and education for patient.png (329.34 KB) Home care and education for patient Y. Nurfauzi
Date of submission:
Saturday, August 26, 2023
Education Model of SANTUN: Pharmacist Home Care Innovation through Supervision of Adherence, New Techniques Utilization, and Networking Elderly Medication with Chronic Disease Therapy
Target Audience:

RCE Greater Atlanta - 2023


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Image icon SM dashboard monitoring page-20230728.png (177.35 KB) Screenshot of social media monitoring and outreach dashboard (monitoring page) Amy Chen
Image icon SM dashboard resources page-20230728.png (104.62 KB) Screenshot of social media monitoring and outreach dashboard (health communication resources page) Amy Chen
Date of submission:
Friday, August 25, 2023
Georgia Peers for Equity Against COVID-19 and for Health (Georgia PEACH): Engaging Young Adults in Action Research on Health Promotion, Countering Misinformation, and Social Media
Target Audience:

RCE Greater Atlanta - 2023


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon Chattahoochee River Sampling Site Map.JPG (190.88 KB) Map of sampling sites Chattahoochee Riverkeeper and Annie Lin
Image icon Graph of E. coli levels at Fairburn Road.JPG (70.73 KB) Graph of E. coli levels at Fairburn Road Chattahoochee Riverkeeper and Annie Lin
Image icon Sampling and Analysis.JPG (200.63 KB) Sampling and lab work Annie Lin
Date of submission:
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Long-term Monitoring of E. Coli in the Chattahoochee River – Neighborhood Water Watch Program and Two Case Studies: Sewage Spill and Headless Goats

RCE Kano - 2023


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Image icon Women Receiving Training at the Agroforestry Center.jpeg (149.08 KB) Women Receiving Training CREACCNG
Image icon Agro3.jpg (112.35 KB) Women Showcasing their Plants after Training CREACCNG
Image icon Agro1.jpg (448.95 KB) Home Gardener Inspecting her Farm CREACCNG
Date of submission:
Rural Home Gardens for Improved Nutrition, Livelihoods and Environmental Conservation in Nigeria
Target Audience:

RCE Greater Dhaka - 2023




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Image icon 1693287030040.jpg (172.86 KB) Breifing GEM Report at Milestone College Mr Nazmul Islam
Date of submission:
Translation and Adaptation of Global Education Monitoring Report 2021/2: Non State Actors in Education: Who Chooses? Who Loses?

RCE Buea - 2023


File Name Caption for picture Photo Credit
Image icon Green Cameroon.Tree Planting5 2023.jpg (235.64 KB) RCE Buea Tree planting session in the northern regions Green Cameroon
Image icon Green Cameroon.Tree Planting Maroua2 2023.jpg (105.49 KB) RCE Buea Tree planting session in the northern regions Green Cameroon
Image icon Green Cameroon.Tree Planting Maroua7 2023.jpg (156.52 KB) RCE Buea Tree planting session in the northern regions Green Cameroon
Image icon Green Cameroon.Tree Planting7 2023.jpg (218.47 KB) RCE Buea Tree planting session in the northern regions Green Cameroon
Date of submission:
Thursday, August 17, 2023
Operation Green Sahel
Target Audience:
